My body has changed since having children and most recently breast cancer. After life changing events we change both mentally and physically. I know for me I miss the person I was before cancer and I’ve found it really tough especially the hair loss, I’m almost rediscovering my identity. To move forward you have to accept and be proud of the body you have now, it’s been through a lot!
Firstly I would recommend having a good wardrobe clear out. Dedicate some time to this and sell anything or donate any items that no longer fit, even if you still love it, if it no longer fits then it will make you feel miserable. Keep rotating the fashion and let someone else love the things that no longer serve you.
Try not to get sucked in by trends, so tricky I know especially with the gram and how easy it is to add to basket. Just take some time before you commit to the purchase. Money is better spent on a piece of clothing that you know will last and go with the rest of your wardrobe. Plus it’s all about finding your own style regardless of what others are wearing so be patient and take your time.
Ignore the number on the label. Clothing brands differ so much so what is a 10 in one store can feel like 14 in another. Also I’ve seen a 12 labelled as Large which can be misleading when shopping. Like me many women may be different sizes on top and bottom. Don’t judge yourself on the label, wear what fits well and makes you feel confident.
Finally be kind to yourself. All bodies should be normalised so don’t punish yourself if you don’t look a certain way, life is way too short!