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End of Treatment, now what?

When you've been diagnosed with cancer, getting through treatment and coming out the side is all you want to do. It's the thing that keeps you going, through every step you keep thinking this is one step closer to the end of treatment. I personally did this every day, I've kept a journal most days and each day I would be able to tick it off and know it was another day closer to getting towards the end. Every month I would wish the days away, another day and another month closer to the end. Even now I kind of just want 2022 to end. Finishing my course of chemotherapy, was a huge milestone as this was the worst part of treatment. By the end of next week my radiotherapy will be complete and my treatment will then be over. My type of cancer was triple negative which means it doesn't respond to hormone therapy, so I won't go onto to have any hormone tablets or continued treatment. It's such a strange feeling knowing all those appointments will now stop, and I'm going back into the real world. In the weeks coming up to this and finishing chemo I've had mixed emotions and I thought I would jumping for joy at this point; the moment I've been longing for, but it all feels a bit surreal. There's still lots to process, finding my identity again and looking at my lifestyle and finding a new normal. I'm aware and have been assured these feelings are completely normal after treatment. Now it's about taking my time, living in the moment, and looking at life as a blank canvas. What next? Who knows just grateful I’m here.


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